Membership Application Form

Our Invitation

We invite you to become a member of the Kennett Chamber of Commerce. Your financial investment, as a dues-paying member, means you believe in our community's future.  That investment is also a smart decision for any company doing business in Missouri's Bootheel region . The Kennett Chamber represents the interests of some 210 companies in a service area that includes the following five counties:  Dunklin, Pemiscot, and New Madrid in Missouri, as well as Clay and Mississippi in Arkansas.

We promise to provide our members with unique business development programs, valuable resources, effective marketing and visibility opportunities, as well as business advocacy at all levels.

If you are interested in investing in the Kennett Chamber of Commerce, or learning more about how the Chamber can work for you and your business, please download our membership application below.  The form may be e-mailed, faxed, or returned to us via U.S. mail.

Our Membership Investment Schedule

Our investment schedule reflects the best practices of leading Chambers of Commerce throughout Southeast Missouri.  All Kennett Chamber members pay their dues on an annual basis, billed in the month in which they originally joined the Chamber.  Those dues are tiered, as follows:

Business/Commercial (50+ Employees) $500
(26-50 Employees) $350
(11-25 Employees) $275
(6-10 Employees) $175
(1-5 Employees) $125
Second Associated Business $50
Professional (Physician, Dentist, Attorney, Certified Accountant) $125 Per Professional
Financial Institution $29 Per Million in Deposits
Civic and Non-Profit $75
Educational Facility $75
Individual $75
Retiree $45